Value Driver Framework

  • Value ▼
      • # customers ▼
          • New customers ▼
              • Available volume ▼
                  • Adressable market ▼
                      • Market population
                      • Adressable share
                  • % who buy each period ▼
                      • Market growth ▼
                          • Population growht
                          • Adopotion growth
                      • Switching ▼
                          • Contract dynamics
                          • Switching behaviour
              • % share won ▼
                  • Competitiveness ▼
                      • WTP (vs. competitors)
                      • Price
                      • Cost to serve (vs. competitors)
                  • Distribution reach ▼
                      • Lead generation
                      • Sales conversion
          • Existing customers ▼
              • Installed base
              • Churn
      • Gross profit per customer ▼
          • Revenues ▼
              • Customer problems solved
              • WTP per problem
              • Share captured
          • Variable costs ▼
              • Inputs
              • Salaries
              • Machines
      • Fixed costs ▼
          • Product development
          • Sales and marketing
          • Capital equipment
          • Management / overhead